Steps to Check Disk storage in VICIdial and Goautodial

It is a good idea to check disk storage in your VICIdial and Goautodial periodically. In case of low storage left, you can have database crashes and several other problems. First you need to login to you SSH and then use these commands to check disk storage in VICIdial.

1. Check File System Disk Space Usage

The “df” command displays the information of device name, total blocks, total disk space, used disk space, available disk space and mount points on a file system.

2. Display Information of all File System Disk Space Usage

The same as above, but it (df -a) also displays information of dummy file systems along with all the file system disk usage and their memory utilization.

3. Show Disk Space Usage in Human Readable Format

Have you noticed that above commands displays information in bytes, which is not readable yet all, because we are in a habit of reading the sizes in megabytes, gigabytes etc. as it makes very easy to understand and remember.

The df command provides an option to display sizes in Human Readable formats by using ‘-h’ (prints the results in human readable format (e.g., 1K 2M 3G)).

4. Display Information of /home File System

To see the information of only device /home file system in human readable format use the following command.

5. Display Information of File System in Bytes

To display all file system information and usage in 1024-byte blocks, use the option ‘-k‘ (e.g. –block-size=1K) as follows.

6. Display Information of File System in MB

To display information of all file system usage in MB (Mega Byte) use the option as ‘-m‘.

7. Display Information of File System in GB

To display information of all file system statistics in GB (Gigabyte) use the option as ‘df -h‘.

8. Display File System Inodes

Using ‘-i‘ switch will display the information of number of used inodes and their percentage for the file system.

9. Display File System Type

If you notice all the above commands output, you will see there is no file system type mentioned in the results. To check the file system type of your system use the option ‘T‘. It will display file system type along with other information.

10. Include Certain File System Type

If you want to display certain file system type use the ‘-t‘ option. For example, the following command will only display ext3 file system.

11. Exclude Certain File System Type

If you want to display file system type that doesn’t belongs to ext3 type use the option as ‘-x‘. For example, the following command will only display other file systems types other than ext3.

12. Display Information of df Command.

Using ‘–help‘ switch will display a list of available option that are used with df command.

Important: If you want to check the disk space consumed by Call Recordings, then navigate to your recording directory before running any of these commands. Run this command in your SSH console.

cd /var/spool/asterisk/monitorDONE

This will take you to the recording directory and then you can run the df -h command to check the disk space consumed by the call recordings.

In case of questions, let me know in the comments.

Author: Kaushal Kumar
I am a Server-side Linux & Web Technologies professional. I dedicate my full time working towards the overall success of my client's Businesses. I help my clients with their business communications, CRM & ERP, Internet Marketing etc. Want to work together: I'd love to hear from you.

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